Governance & Strategy capture your overall commitment to sustainable development

Governance & Strategy disclosures and measurements capture companies’ overall commitment to sustainable development.

The standard-setters know this, which is why you will have to disclose in detail on these processes, both with CSRD/ESRS and ISSB/IFRS-S.

They will also be key areas of scrutiny for your auditor following the instructions in the proposed International Standard on Sustainability Assurance (ISSA) 5000 and the technical advice issues by the French authority H2A (previously H3C).

Mandatory disclosures will lead to radically ❗increased transparency, and the public benchmarks and rankings that will follow will be important drivers of change.

This is happening today

There is no time to lose, you need to prepare now. ⌛

Step one is understanding – in detail – what will be expected.

This can be done by navigating and learning the standards – every single disclosure point (more than 1000 in ESRS – subject to materiality assessment, whereof approx. 30% are metrics and 70% are narrative disclosures).

If you are aiming for the world to trust that you are truly committed to sustainability, you need to start by focusing on strategy and governance, it will set the pace for all the rest.

And there is no excuse for bad performance.

Cleerit ESG helps you navigate the standards, to learn, prepare and excel

With Cleerit ESG you get a secure off-the-shelf CSRD-compliant and ESRS-ready Sustainability Strategy & Reporting Software – with every single disclosure point digitized – to help you navigate the standards, learn and prepare.

It’s neither expensive, nor complicated, and the ROI is very high – your chances of strategic success triple.

You just need to really want to learn, prepare and excel.

In the enclosed document we explain how we can help, and introduce the science-based solution Cleerit ESG, offering features and capabilities to:

✔ factor in impact and risk exposure,
✔ identify, assess and manage material topics,
✔ unlock the potential of your double materiality assessments,
✔ cascade ambitious targets,
✔ create actionable roadmaps for strategic success,
✔ monitor and manage performance –
✔ while preparing CSRD and
✔ automating your sustainability reporting with ESRS-ready templates.

You are welcome to contact us if you want to know more. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Download the Cleerit ESG presentation here >>

Download an overview of the ESRS standards >>

Download the ESRS standards >>

Posted in CSRD.