Prepare and manage your sustainability report with VSME
A one-stop-shop solution designed by EFRAG as part of the EU SME relief package
Respond to data requests
Respond to the growing requests of sustainability data with an online sustainability report template
Manage sustainability performance
Manage your sustainability performance to contribute to a sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy
Collect value chain sustainability data
Collect and consolidate sustainability data from your value chain actors in one secure place

A one-stop-shop solution for sustainability data requests
As part of the EU ‘SME relief package’ the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard (‘VSME’) is aimed at supporting the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (‘CSRD’), while boosting long-term SME competitiveness and resilience.
It is expected to become a one-stop-shop solution for sustainability data requests for lenders, investors and corporate clients directed at companies and organisations falling outside the scope of the CSRD – setting a de facto limit to the multiple requests that non-CSRD companies and organisation are currently facing.
The online SaaS platform vsme.mycleerit, securely hosted in the EU, is offered to
- non-CSRD companies and organisations faced with sustainability data request – effectively relieving them from the burden of responding to numerous ad hoc requests with an online VSME template,
- large CSRD in-scope corporations who desire to collect, consolidate and manage sustainability data from their value chain actors online in one secure place – effectively enabling the automation of digitized cost-efficient data flows.
An individual company or organisation can subscribe to the vsme.mycleerit platform, or it can be invited by a business partner to subscribe.
The activation cost is 100 € per account. Larger corporations who subscribe for a larger group of companies are offered a discounted activation cost.
There are two categories of subscriptions:
- the ‘Share‘ option, with a secure online access to the VSME report template,
- the ‘Manage‘ option, which also gives access to features for managing sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities (IRO’s) and proactively monitoring sustainability performance.
The VSME template is currently available in English, French, Swedish & German. Other languages will be added soon.

The vsme.mycleerit platform is the perfect – cost & resource efficient – meeting point for non-CSRD companies and organisation, and CSRD in-scope business corporations – together contributing to a sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy.

Sustainability information to be provided
The VSME standard sets requirements that allow the company or the organisation to provide relevant information on:
(a) how it has had and is likely to have a positive or negative impact on people or on the environment, in the short-, medium- or long-term; and
(b) how environmental and social issues have affected or are likely to affect its financial position, performance and cash flows, in the short-, medium- or long-term.
The reported information needs to be relevant, faithful, comparable, understandable and verifiable.
Certain disclosures are to be reported only if considered ‘applicable’ by the reporting entity. When one of these disclosures is omitted, it is assumed to not be applicable.
The structure of the VSME report
VSME i structured in two modules that companies and organisations can use to prepare their sustainability report:
1. The Basic Module is the target approach for micro-companies and constitutes a minimum requirement for other companies and organisations. The disclosures cover environmental, social and business conduct issues (together called ‘sustainability issues’).
2. The Comprehensive Module includes additional ESG data which are likely to be requested by banks, investors and corporate customers. The disclosures in this module reflect the financial market participants and corporate customers’ respective obligations under relevant laws and regulations. They also reflect the information needed by business partners to assess the sustainability risk profile of the company or the organisation, e.g. as a (potential) supplier or a (potential) borrower.
Your one-stop-shop solution for sustainability data requests
Create your account securely hosted in the EU on vsme.mycleerit.com