CSRD-readiness assessment for Top Management & Board

Are you ready to assume personal responsibility under CSRD?

Do you have skills, processes, systems, policies, action plans and allocated resources in place to oversee sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities?

How do you oversee the setting of targets related to material sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities (IROs), and how do you monitor progress towards them?

Your company will have to answer these questions, and many more, when you fill in ESRS 2, mandatory for all companies subject to CSRD. Here are some examples.

The undertaking shall disclose:

⭕ the identity of the management and supervisory bodies (such as a board committee or similar) or individual(s) within a body responsible for oversight of IROs. (ESRS2.22.a)

⭕ how each body’s or individual’s responsibilities for IROs are reflected in the undertaking’s terms of reference, board mandates and other related policies. (ESRS2.22.b)

⭕ a description of management’s role in the governance processes, controls and procedures used to monitor, manage and oversee IROs, incl whether dedicated controls and procedures are applied to the management of IROs and, if so, how they are integrated with other internal function. (ESRS2.22.c.iii)

⭕ how the management and supervisory bodies and senior executive management oversee the setting of targets related to material IROs, and how they monitor progress towards them. (ESRS2.22.d)

⭕ a description of how the management and supervisory bodies determine whether appropriate skills and expertise are available or will be developed to oversee sustainability matters, incl how those skills and expertise relate to the undertaking’s material IROs (ESRS2.23.b)

⭕ including whether the bodies and/or its members have access to other sources of expertise, such as specific experts and training and other educational initiatives to update and develop sustainability-related expertise within these bodies. (ESRS2.AR5)

A recent assessment of large companies in France carried out by the leading network of entrepreneurs in France, MEDEF, together with Deloitte and EY showed that:

➡ Not even half of the companies publish (or declare that they take into account) the analysis of at least one climate scenario and quantify their climate risks – and 4 out of 5 do not include climate transition risks.

➡ Only 31% publish water consumption reduction targets, 13% declare the number of production sites located in or near sensitive areas in terms of biodiversity, 30% have formalized objectives related to the circularity of products and their packaging.

➡ Only 53% publish indicators related to the gender pay gap of their employees at group level, and 8% provide information to compare low wages to decent wages.

❓ Do you still manage ESG performance with Excel? (Do you also manage your financial performance with Excel…?)

You are welcome to contact us to get CSRD-ready with robust Sustainability Strategy, Governance, Performance Management and Reporting capabilities.

Posted in CSRD, ESRS.