Free and publicly available emissions data

Free and publicly available emissions data of an unprecedented granularity❗#ClimateTRACE is a significant breakthrough in emissions monitoring and represents a new era of transparency and accountability.

Climate TRACE has published an inventory that pinpoints nearly every major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions around the world and provides independently produced estimates of how much each emits.

The inventory is free to use and publicly accessible on the Climate TRACE online platform.

Users can download full country- or sector-level datasets covering 2015-2022.

It enables accountability and private sector action – particularly for companies looking to decarbonize their supply chains.

The Climate TRACE (Tracking Real-Time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions) coalition

The Climate TRACE (Tracking Real-Time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions) coalition was formed by a group of AI specialists, data scientists, researchers, and nongovernmental organizations.

The initiative uses a combination of satellite image processing, machine learning, and sensors stationed worldwide to independently detect emissions around the globe as they’re emitted.

This highly granular level of information enables companies to gain a better understanding of their own supply chains and the emissions intensity of the production of key materials across a wide range of suppliers.

Derived from satellites, other forms of remote sensing, and additional public and commercial data, Climate TRACE provides emissions data that are unreported in traditional inventories.

Climate TRACE tracks what the atmosphere sees

When emissions disappear from official reporting, Climate TRACE continues to track what the atmosphere sees.

In fact, the majority of corporate emissions worldwide that are included in the Climate TRACE inventory are still not included in self-reported ESG databases.

Encompassing human-caused emissions from facilities and other emitting activities — including fertilizer application, deforestation, and wildfires — Climate TRACE’s database tracks GHG emissions from more than 352 million assets.

“Leaders from the public and private sectors can now do what’s never been possible before. They can look clearly at the causes of the climate crisis all the way down to the individual source. They can pinpoint where to take action almost immediately,” said former US Vice President and Climate TRACE co-founder Al Gore.

“With this inventory at our fingertips, there’s no longer a valid excuse for anyone — businesses, governments, or otherwise — to turn a blind eye to the work that must be done to slash emissions significantly and quickly.”

Access Climate TRACE emissions data here

Download and check if your facilities and suppliers are listed: Data Downloads – Climate TRACE

Source: Climate TRACE Unveils Open Emissions Database of More Than 352 Million Assets – Climate TRACE

Posted in CSRD.