Getting you CSRD-ready
Helping you get CSRD-ready

Seamlessly connecting strategy, execution, ESG & performance
Cleerit provides your team with the clarity needed to drive everyday performance and turn your strategies into reality – while contributing to a more sustainable future
Innovative scale-up
With more than 20 years of experience in supporting businesses and organisations in both the private and public sector, you find us in France, Sweden and Dubai, from where we work remotely with our customers all over the world.
Perfect fit
The unique capabilities embedded in our holistic and inclusive governance model are a perfect fit to the IRO model built in the ESRS framework, and make a real difference in advancing both corporate sustainability and performance.
Sustainable business partner
We are committed to sustainability and passionate about closing the strategy to execution gap – with extensive experience and comprehensive research recognized by French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
A new era
The Cleerit ESG offering is at the core of our corporate strategy. It’s the beginning of a new era, and we are determined to being a key contributor in advancing sustainable corporate strategies and solutions, for our and future generations.

They help us help you to succeed
For a successful implementation of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Finance Action Plan

It all started with an R&D project
The challenge? The gap between strategy and execution and the fact that strategy execution failure rate is a staggering 70% on average

Inclusive, profitable and sustainable strategies
The heart and soul of Cleerit is to help you craft, execute and succeed inclusive, profitable and sustainable strategies.
We are fully focused on our customers, adding new features to our state-of-the-art solution, growing, training new team members and partners, and making sure that we have efficient customer support processes. But it all started with an R&D project about 4 years ago.
How to do better
The challenge? The gap between strategy and execution and the fact that strategy execution failure rate is a staggering 70% on average - despite OKRs being around since the 70s and balanced scorecards since the 90s. And despite powerful BI tools, Big Data, SharePoint, complex budget processes and management control models. Now we also need to add ESG to the equation, and on this, failure is not an option. So how can we do better?
By engaging in an extensive literature review, we realized that research and evidence provide answers. It’s just that they are rarely applied in real life. And why is that?
Data is not enough
In the digitized business world we are focused on data. Data-driven decision-making is the goal of many organizations. That’s a good thing, since decisions based on facts generally are more accurate. But we realized that we need to take the concept further, to create evidence-based decision support, factoring in knowledge and experience.
Data is mainly based on past performance. Past performance is no guarantee for future performance.
You can’t reach your final destination by only looking in the rear-view mirror. Even with AI, when environment and future assumptions are factored in, the main component is already existing past data. It’s not that existing data is yesterday’s news, but it is not enough.
We also need to connect the dots going forward. Plan the way ahead, learn, adjust, factor in people, knowledge, unforeseen events, changes in environment and technology.
The list is long. And we don’t work alone. We are part of the organization’s eco-system, with both internal and external stakeholders.
Porter taught us that the essence of strategy is to make clear choices, manage and connect a unique set of activities, and allocate the resources needed to execute them. We should of course do so by being operationally efficient, but operational efficiency alone is not enough.
Doing the right thing comes first, doing the thing right comes in as a close second.
Mintzberg taught us that strategy is not what we say it is, it’s what we actually do - whether planned or not. He speaks of strategy in its many forms, whereof strategy as a pattern is a key concept crucial to successful strategy execution and change management. And digital transformation strategies, for example, are only partly about digitization.
Without managing change, people and old habits, it is difficult to succeed, no matter how good the technology is.
Knowledge and experience are needed in a complex reality
So we decided to develop a solution to increase the chances of successfully implementing strategy.
A solution based on management experience, evidence, research and technological skills.
And based on the fact that soft data is as important as hard data. And non-financial (or rather pre-financial) performance as important as financial performance. And people as important as technology. There are two sides of the same coin.
We took this complex reality and created a digital inclusive governance model, IGM, with the ambition to support managers and their teams transforming their strategies and goals into reality.
Inclusive is the way to be
- Inclusive because it unites the three main planning and execution processes: strategic, financial and operational.
- Inclusive because it integrates ESG in all three processes.
- Inclusive because it puts activities, resources and everyday decisions at the very heart of the model, right in the middle between goals and KPIs.
- And inclusive because it invites, connects and empowers people - and without people no strategy can ever become reality.
The label Young Innovative Company
We are proud that our digital inclusive management model has been recognized as an innovation by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, who has labelled us Jeune Entreprise Innovante, JEI (Young Innovative Company).
The expert report states: “What distinguishes [Cleerit’s model] is its holistic approach, which takes into account that the parts of the problem [strategy implementation] are interconnected and can only be understood by reference to the whole.”
Making the inclusive and complex simple is quite a challenge. Our customers have been valuable support in the process, and we thank you with all our hearts. You help us make the solution better every day.
Cleerit is a Friend of EFRAG Sustainability Reporting
We are also very proud to have been one of the first officially approved Friends of EFRAG Sustainability Reporting, committed to supporting EFRAG’s mission in developing European Sustainability Reporting Standards and contributing to the progress of corporate reporting.
We do this with our holistic ESRS-taxonomy-centric ESG SaaS solution for Strategy, Governance & Reporting - Cleerit ESG.
Cleerit's mission is connecting people, planet and profit at the heart of business strategy and decisions.
EFRAG provides technical advice to the European Commission in the form of draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) elaborated under a robust due process, and supports the effective implementation of ESRS.
Now we are ready to take on the world
In any language and currency.
We are set up to grow in France, Sweden and the rest of Europe. We have also welcomed our Middle Eastern friends from our base in Dubai, with the solution also available Arabic.
We are highly motivated and fully committed to helping organizations and their people increasing both financial and sustainability performance.
Stay safe. Be generous. And never give up on your goals.
Your Cleerit team