CapEx available from ESRS disclosures will help monitor the flow of private capital

Your ESRS-reporting will help monitor the flow of private capital to fill the investment gap needed to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal.

This requires investments in new technologies and business models.

Overall, the EU will need to scale up its investments by two-thirds (about EUR 620 billion more each year until 2030), relative to average levels over the 2011-2020 period, to pave the way for climate neutrality and a resilient economy by 2050.

The bulk of funding is to be mobilised by private entities.

When assessing the overall investment needs, albeit significant, they should be compared with the cost of inaction which is of much greater magnitude.

The EU Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF), an advisory body to the European Commission, has been tasked with developing a methodological framework to monitor the flow of private capital into sustainable investments.

The Platform has recently released an intermediate report with a proposed methodology mainly resting on two types of capital flows:

✔ capital expenditures in real economy entities, which shed light on progress towards filling the investment gap;

✔ flows in and from financial markets, as this represents an important source of capital in support of real economy investments.

⭕Investments dedicated to companies in transition – and under CSRD scope – are at the heart of the monitoring framework.

ESRS indicators will be used to identify such companies.

Taxonomy eligible and aligned CapEx data will be complemented with other reported data on CapEx relevant for transition and reported under the ESRS.

CapEx allocated to a transition plan and available from ESRS disclosures is proposed to become the principal source of data.

Such data will be audited, thus increasing the reliability of the results.

The proposed architecture will provide a first bottom-up estimate of CapEx contributing to filling the Green Deal investment gap.

⭕Examples of ESRS CapEx datapoints:

➡ E1.16.c CapEx Financial resources allocated to action plan, E1-1 – Transition plan for climate change mitigation

➡ ESRS2.69.b CapEx Financial resources allocated to actions in relation to material sustainability matters (MDR-A)

Posted in CSRD, ESRS.